Proactive Health assessments

Health Assessments (Age based)

What are health assessments?

Health assessments provide the opportunity for your GP to undertake an in-depth assessment of your health. The assessment will cover medical, physical, psychological and social aspects of health.

Who can have one?

All people aged 45-49, 75 years and over, or 55 years or over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who are living in the community or in hostel level aged care accommodation.

Why is the doctor suggesting a health assessment for you?

Your doctor is offering you a health assessment to assist you to maintain good health. It also allows your doctor to take specific notice of areas which are hard to cover in a normal consultation, such as nutrition. A health assessment also provides you an opportunity to raise any concerns that you may have about your health, such as hearing difficulties or sleeping problems.

Does having a health assessment mean there is something wrong with me?

Not at all. A health assessment helps your doctor assess your overall level of health in order to provide advice aimed at preventing ill health in the future. Your doctor will be offering a health assessment to many other patients who regularly attend the practice. However, if you are worried about the health assessment, please talk to your doctor or staff in the practice about your concerns.

What happens during a health assessment?

Your doctor will discuss the health assessment with you and ask you for your permission before proceeding with it. This is a good opportunity for you to ask any questions. Your doctor (or another health professional acting under their guidance) will check on a number of areas- your recent health, whether or not you have seen other doctors or health workers in the last six months, any difficulties with mood, memory or sleep; smoking/alcohol/nutrition/exercise, living arrangements and home safety, social support, mobility, the medications you take, immunisations and an examination of your weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, feet, vision, hearing and other areas which may come up during the assessment.

Where and when is the health assessment conducted?

A health assessment can be conducted in the practice, or in your home, or a combination of both. Because a health assessment tries to give your doctor a complete picture of your health, your doctor may ask about visiting you at home. If you have any worries about this, please tell your doctor. Usually a health assessment is repeated in one year’s time.

Who conducts the health assessment?

Some parts of the health assessment may be undertaken by another professional, for example, a nurse or occupational therapist. The whole assessment, however, will be under the guidance of your doctor. Because this is an in-depth assessment of your health, it is important that you attend your usual doctor. At the end of the assessment your doctor will discuss their findings and recommendations with you. If you would like a carer, another family member, or someone else to be present for any part of the health assessment, please tell your doctor beforehand.

Are there any costs?

Patients are eligible for Bulk Billing through Medicare aged 45-49 (once in this age range), 75 plus (yearly). Please check with your previous doctor if this service was billed under your account.

How long will it take?

The health assessment usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes in total, but this may spread over more than one visit.

How will I find out the results?

Your doctor will discuss the results and recommendations with you and give you a written summary. You may need to make a separate appointment for this.

Ask your doctor if you have any questions about health assessments.

Reference: RACGP guidelines


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