Health Checks

Preventative health:

Its aim is to ultimately prevent the development of chronic diseases, through early detection, investigations and the implementation of holistic treatment. At Matraville Doctors, our doctors practice preventative medicine, offering routine screening for cancers, heart disease, diabetes and musculoskeletal conditions. Our adult health assessments and chonic care plans help identify medical risk factors for our patients and allow us to optimise their health and vitality. please ask us about what routine health assessments are right for you.

Women's health:

Women's Health is and screening is imperative for all our female patients. At Matraville Doctors, we remind our patients of the importance of screening for cervical cancers thorough pap smear tests, and routine mammogram screening for breast cancer. Fertility screening, menopause education, mental health assessments, contraceptive advice and implementation are all addressed in our consult rooms. Skin checks and skin biopsies are also available.  We are more than happy to discuss all your health concerns, and aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all our female patients.

Men's health:

It is a little know fact that men do not like to talk about their health. Men also generally have a higher risk of major diseases like heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. At Matraville Doctors, we endeavour to empower our male patients to take control of their health. We perform heart health checks, in conjunction with cardiology advice. Prostate checks and bowel cancer screening is a large part of men's health checks. We also provide a safe environment for me  to address their mental health, and discuss other lifestyle issues like smoking cessation, due and alcohol counselling and general health and well-being.

Take control of your health. Book an appointment today. Call us on 02 9066 0116 or book online.


MyMedicare Patient Registration with Matraville Doctors


Children’s Health Checks